A mommy makeover is a combination of several common surgeries that help you regain your pre-pregnancy body. Our most common Mommy Makeover includes a Tummy Tuck, Liposuction of your waistline, and a Breast Lift, Breast Implant or both. Your consultation will help you decide what surgery is best for you.
LENGTH Will vary depending on how many procedures are included.
ANESTHESIA Spinal with Sedation (general anesthesia is not required).
IN/OUTPATIENT Outpatient; a “Pain Ball” will be placed in the tummy tuck incision to greatly reduce any discomfort you may have. A long acting, numbing medication (Exparel) will be used at the time of surgery to further assure your comfort.
RECOVERY Most Mommy Makeover patients will be bedridden for about a week. Avoid heavy lifting and exercise for six weeks. Overall swelling can take as long as three to six months to completely subside.
DURATION OF RESULTS Varies with procedures.
Side Effects & Risks
RISKS Risks will vary, depending on your personalized combination of procedures. Some general risks include (but are not limited to): unfavorable scarring, bleeding, infection, wound healing problems, anesthesia risks, deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications, possibility of revision surgery.